Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December/January's Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Team,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you all are having a wonderful and very blessed Holiday season! 

-Brandy and I found, and have moved into, a new apartment which will fit all of the ministries needs. Praise God for His provision! (And the rent is only $350 a month)

-We have set the dates for both the MK Youth Retreat (June 8-13) and MK Camp (August 3-8) and were able to reserve the camp facilities we used for the last MK Camp! The first step in the long process of planning and organizing these events has been accomplished. Please continue to pray for these upcoming events and for the lives of all of the MKs that will attend.
Picture from MK Camp 2014 
Prayer Requests 
-We are still trying to raise the ministries monthly support, at this point in time the ministry is receiving about $250 in monthly donations, praise God, but we need about $500-$600. Please pray that the needed funds will be found soon. 

-Please continue to pray for Brandy's family as they learn to deal with the fact that their father (and husband) is no longer here on this earth, and thank you so much for all of your prayers this past month.

Brandy's father at our wedding (August 9th 2013)

-In a few weeks I will be helping cook for a women's conference in La Esperanza (for Honduran women). Please pray for all of us cooks, most of whom are flying down from the States, and for all of the women who will be attending.

Thank you again for being a part of this ministry's team! We feel so blessed to have your prayers surrounding us and this ministry, and want to thank you for all that you have done to help make the work down here possible. 

Love and Blessing,
Rachel and Brandy

Monday, December 15, 2014

A Missionary Mother's Thanks for MK Camp

Here's an email I received from one of the missionary moms who sent her kids to this year's MK Camp. It's addressed to me, but she wanted me to share it since she knows I had lots of help from many of you with prayers, funds, encouragement and other things to make camp possible. 

Dear Rachel,

Four months ago we picked up our kids from MK camp.  And yesterday at the dinner table, they were STILL talking about the relationships they began and nurtured while at camp!  We've been sending our kids to MK camp for about 8 years now, and it is one of the two highlights of their year (the other being the retreat in September, where they see their MK camp friends).  For the most part our kids love being in Honduras.  They also enjoy the time we spend in the US, though it’s always full of travel and is stressful for many reasons.  But the time they feel like they really fit somewhere is at MK camp.  They feel like their Honduran friends can’t really understand them.  We live out in the country, where the most exposure kids have had to US culture comes from cable TV at a local restaurant or business!  There are no other north American kids around.  We have to travel about an hour and a half to get to the nearest ones, and they’re not actually our kids’ ages.  When we are in the US, the kids don’t really “get” US culture.  They see the surplus and materialism and the more shallow thinking of many young people, and they feel like odd-balls.  

MK camp is the one time each year when our kids can get together with kids who, like them, are growing up in a third world country.  They see extreme need and respond to it.  They have experienced some of the dangers of living near the “most dangerous city in the world”, and they’ve learned to trust God with their lives.  Camp is a time when they can share some of those things with their friends and support each other as well as FORGET about those things and enjoy being with friends!  It’s a wonderful time to worship God in their first language and to joke around with other kids in a way that is truly unique to North America.  They don’t have to worry about their actions reflecting poorly on “the church” or their parents’ ministry.  It’s a time when they can really let their hair down and be themselves!  I should also add that the candy brought down from the north and the special foods Cindy served – like mac-n-cheese and some of her amazing desserts – are always a major highlight for our kids.  It’s literally a little taste of “home” to them each year.  Maybe we’re unusual these days, since we only get to go to the US every third year or so.  That makes those treats even more special!  Seriously… it’s up there with Christmas!

I can’t tell you how thankful we are that you have taken up the torch to continue MK camp, as the original directors are moving into a new phase in life.  I’ve said each year – our kids come home with enough memories to last them from camp to retreat and then retreat to the next camp!  I’m thrilled that this year there will be a time to focus on the big kids at the high school retreat.  Their needs often get swept aside as they focus on the little kids.  I also really appreciate how hard you all work to keep the costs down.  To be honest, there is no way we would have been able to send our 4 kids to camp over the years any other way!  And yet it has been their life-line.  I know prices have to go up, but for many missionaries, salaries don’t go up!  Ours is the same as it was 11 years ago when we first started out!  Knowing that there are people focusing on fund-raising all year long is a real blessing!  Our “extra” money generally goes into our own ministry, leaving little to cover things like camp.  I really appreciate all you’ve done to make camp as affordable as possible for us to be able to send our kids!  I can’t say that enough!

Please thank your family and anyone else who participated in making MK camp possible!!

Love, Cindy Williamson

Please consider donating to this coming year's MK Camp and MK Youth Retreat. There are so many missionary families being blessed by these events, and we are trying to keep the prices down to make it possible for the missionary families with multiple kids to be able to come too.  

To Donate by Mail, send checks to:
The Foundation
PO Box 560233
Orlando, Florida 32856-0233

- Make check payable to "The Foundation" 
- Be sure to write "preferenced for Rachel Sowers Reyes- MK Camp" on an enclosed paper 

To Donate Online:
To donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account click here:
Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Rachel Sowers Reyes- MK Camp" in the box requesting "additional specifics on how to use the gift."

Important info: The Foundation for Missions is registered 501(C)3 and as such donations made in the States are tax deductible. Also, 100% of the money you donate towards my ministry gets passed on to me - The Foundation does not keep a percentage.

- If additional instructions or information are needed for donating online, please don't hesitate to call The Foundation for Missions, at 407-730-3364, or send your questions by email to thuy@foundationformissions.com

Monday, December 8, 2014

November in One Post

For those of you who are only following the ministry and my life here on the blog you're probably wondering why I haven't written anything in awhile. This past month has been so busy, full of joys and grief, that I haven't been able to post much.

Besides going to Guatemala, for the orientation and retreat, Brandy and I finally found and moved into a new apartment! And I spent a lot of this past month packing, moving and now I'm working on settling in. Brandy also graduated 3rd in a Mandarin class he was taking, and then the day after the graduation ceremony Brandy's father died. 

I'm not going to go into all of what happened, but Brandy's father, who was only 55, had a bad heart and because of that his organs shut down. Brandy, his older brother and I were there for his last hours and this past week was spent with Brandy's family in Gracias. 

As you can imagine this has not been an easy time for us, or for Brandy's family, and any prayers you can give us we'd really appreciate. The loss of a father is always hard to deal with, and Brandy's father was young and some of his children aren't even adults yet. Also he wasn't a Christian. While in the hospital Brandy said a prayer with him, but by that time he could hardly breath, let alone talk, so Brandy told him to repeat the prayer in him head. We pray that he excepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior, but we can not be sure. 

Please keep Brandy's family in your prayers. They're going to need strength to deal with all of the grief their are feeling right now.          

The First Guest in Our New Home

Fluffy and I found a kitten the other day while taking our morning walk. We heard it crying so we went to investigate and in the process of trying to find it, the kitten's owner walked by and asked if we'd seen a kitty. I told him that we thought in was underneath the car we were standing next to. He told us that he didn't want the kitten anymore and that we could take it home, and then he walked away. 

I really like cats, and this one is so sweet, but one pet is enough right now, especially with me leaving for whole weeks at a time. So the kitten is only a guest. The plan is to take it to Gracias when we go to visit for Christmas and give it to my mom who says she wants it, but for now I have a kitten in my house who's sleeping on my dirty clothes and eating my tuna, because I haven't been able to go to the store to buy her food yet. :) 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Orientation and a Baby

Late week I went to Guatemala for a retreat and orientation hosted by the Foundation. While there I got to spend some quality time with my favorite, and only, nephew Russell Lee Jr., who I had just meet two days before.

This little guy was such a trooper during our 10 hour drive to the retreat. Sleeping the whole way there! We thank God for our newest family member and pray that he will grow up strong in the Lord. 

Oh... and by the why I have now been orientated! ;) 

(Photo taken by David Beam in Guatemala Nov. 2014)

Monday, November 3, 2014

November's Prayer Letter (2014)

I just sent out my very first prayer letter, and now I'm posting it here for those of you who have not yet signed up for it.

Ministry prayer requests:
1) I've already started planning next year’s MK (missionary kid) Camp, and in the next few weeks I’m going to be deciding on the dates. Please pray that things will work together without complications and that everything needed, staff, funds, kids, etc, will be provided. 

2) One of my biggest needs at the moment is funding. I really want to get out there and start doing stuff, but without funds my work here has to remain very limited. Please pray that the funds will show up when needed and that I will continue to trust in God as I wait, knowing that He has perfect timing for everything.  

3) Brandy and I have been looking for a new apartment. Our personal and ministries needs are not being met in our current place due to the lack of space. It is mostly because of the smallness of our apartment that we haven’t started the military outreach. Please pray with us as we look for a place that will suit our needs and price range.

Personal prayer requests:
1) Lately Brandy has been working, on average, 15 hours a day, and he is becoming very worn out and needs a change of jobs in the Air Force. Generally the military moves it’s people around at the beginning of each year. So we are praying that they will transfer him to a different position/job within the next few months. 

2) My family has been trying to process our permanent residency for over 6 months now. Please pray that all of the difficulties we have come across will be removed as soon as possible.  

Thank you again and again for all of your prayers and support! It’s encouraging to know that you are praying for us and what we are doing here in Honduras, and we really appreciate it. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Meet Fluffy

Just for fun I would like you to meet the smallest, and by far cutest, member of our little family, Fluffy.

Fluffy was given to us by one of Brandy's commanding officers when she was only 5 weeks old, and she has been our little ball of fun ever since! 

Her favorite thing in the world is eating stuff in stinky shoes. She doesn't harm the actual shoe, but loves to put her toys, treats and even plain dog food in shoes to eat them. The funniest part is when she accidentally loses the thing she's eating in the shoe and tries to go in after it. Sticking her whole head in and running around the room like she's pushing a toy car. 

She has brought much joy and laughter into our lives and we love her so much for it. Plus she has helped me pass many of the lonely hours I have had to endure while Brandy is working. 

She is cute, funny and fluffy, and needs lots of attention! Plus she's very spoiled and seems to be always dirty, but somehow still ends up cuddling with Brandy on the bed! ;)  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

An Update

Right after MK Camp, in August, I started looking around and praying to see what God wanted me to do next. As I prayed I realized that God was telling me to take time to raise the support I needed and not to dig into any more major projects for the moment. Reminding me that most missionaries take many months, and sometimes years, to raise their support before they even move to the mission field. So I took His advice and had been mostly working on finding supporter that are willing to help me in funds and/or prayers. That being said I have also worked on, and helped with, a few smaller projects. 

Last month I helped a missionary, named Teri, with a women's conference, specifically for Honduran pastor's wife, that she had planned and organized. Plus I have been working on planning a few things for next year's MK Camp and buying stuff that is needed to put on a container my parents are planning on shipping down from Maryland. With these few projects and the fund raising I have kept pretty busy. 

 Teri's women's conference in September

My schedule for the next few week is also a bit hectic. My 18 year old, baby sister Boo needs to have her tonsils removed, and since the medical care in their area is very poor, my parents want to send her to a missionary run hospital on the other side of the country. There is a team of ears, nose and throat specialists going to be at that hospital next week, but my parents are so busy right now with all of their ministries that they can't take her. So they have asked me if I'd be willing to help them out by taking Boo there myself. 

Boo and me

A few days after my trip with Boo, my mother, older brother and I are heading to Guatemala for a week long missionary conference hosted by our organization, the Foundation for Missions. There I will receive my official orientation given to me by someone from the office and I will hopefully also enjoy the conference.   

A week after the conference Cindy, who came down here to cook for MK Camp, is coming down again to do her annual shopping and prep trip for a women's conference she cooks for. I have offered to help her with this shopping trip (in Nov.) and the women's conference which is in January.

Cindy (Striped shirt) and some of the other MK Camp 
staff resting after cooking dinner.

In between all of these events I have to continue raising support, keeping up on the laundry, looking/praying for a new apartment and figuring out the dates for next year's MK Camp. So if you could pray for my sanity and safe travels I would appreciate it. ;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Military Hospitality Outreach

Brandy and I feel that God is calling us to start a ministry that we're thinking about calling Military Hospitality Outreach. We envision inviting military personal over to our house for snacks, games and a Bible study about once a week, and to have Brandy bring home after work those who are in need of a home cooked meal and/or some "family time".

Brandy, while still a cadet, with his friend Rosa 

Most of the people working in the Air Force are younger men and women in need of guidance. Many of them are far away from their homes and family, and they are often very bored when they're not working. If Brandy and I can provide a place where they feel comfortable to hang out, then they might be able to get away from some of the bad habits that a lot of the military suffers from, like porn, drinking, prostitutes, really bad language, etc. 

I think this ministry would be a perfect fit for both Brandy and me. Our talents and current position make this a great opportunity. Since Brandy is an officer in the Air Force we have an "in", as you might say, with the military, and because of Brandy's work we have to live near the base, making it easier for people from the base to come and visit us. Plus Brandy is a very kindhearted and fun loving kind of guy, almost everybody in the base likes and respects him. As for my talents I love cooking, baking, planning events, playing games and people.

Brandy and his classmates in 2009

Currently our budget is too tight to be able to start this ministry. Our home isn't big enough to invite anyone over* and we wouldn't be able to afford the extra expenses of hosting a Bible study/game night, like the food, snacks and games. So our plan is to wait until I'm able to raise enough support to rent a place that is big enough to have extra people over and to pay for the other expenses, and then we'll be able to start this ministry.

***(If you've seen picture of my apartment then you'll know that we really don't have the room. The whole apartment is only 12' x 20', making it a total of 240 sq. feet and the only kind of seating we own are 2 dining room chairs, making it hard to invite anyone over.)
Brandy and his friend Pollo on their graduation day

Please keep the military hospitality outreach in your prayer, it's something that we feel God calling us to do and we know how much it's needed. Thanks

MK Camp 2014

MK Camp 2014 group photo

MK Camp 2014 was held at a camp near Pena Blanca, Honduras, on August 4th-9th. There were over 90 MKs (missionary kids), plus 20 adult staff members. Words can not begin to describe how amazing those 5 days of camp were! 

Memorizing scriptures as a team. Go Bright Red Team!

I planned most of it, but I coordinated everything. You should have seen the list of "things to do" that I had going: Fund raising, planning the schedule, communicating with the parents, staff and supporters, picking the verses to memorize and making work booklets, helping plan the menu, crafts and other activities, etc... The list seemed endless.  


I spent months planning MK Camp, day after day, week after week, for about 4-5 months altogether. I'm hoping next year will be easier, but even if it isn't I am still going to do it again, because this year's MK Camp was just so amazing! 

The kids laughed, played, made new friends and learned new things about the scriptures. They were challenged in ways that will help their faith grow, and everyone, including us adults, had fun. 

Playing with the little ones
List of camp activities
In the mornings:
 -Praise and worship
 -Bible lesson
 -Games and ropes courses

In the afternoons:
 -Bible verse memorization

In the evenings:
 -Praise and worship
 -Bible lesson

Some of the nights we had special events:
 -Cookout, camp fire and S’mores (2x)
 -Pizza night
 -Skits and camp slide show

-Also, the kitchen staff cooked and served american food for every meal at camp. A luxury that many of these MKs don't get much of and miss a lot. 

Lunch time

Ropes courses 

Playing in the pool

Ropes courses

More playing in the pool

Trust fall

Ropes courses





A big thanks to all of the supporters who funded MK Camp this year. The kids were so blessed by this camp and it was only because of your support that all of this was possible. Thank you.

If you'd like to donate for next years camp here's what you'll need to know:

To Donate by Mail, send checks to:
The Foundation
PO Box 560233
Orlando, Florida 32856-0233

- Make check payable to "The Foundation" 
- Be sure to write "preferenced for Rachel Sowers Reyes- MK Camp" on an enclosed paper 

To Donate Online:
To donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account click here:
Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Rachel Sowers Reyes- MK Camp" in the box requesting "additional specifics on how to use the gift."

Important info: The Foundation for Missions is registered 501(C)3 and as such donations made in the States are tax deductible. Also, 100% of the money you donate towards my ministry gets passed on to me - The Foundation does not keep a percentage. 

- If additional instructions or information are needed for donating online, please don't hesitate to call The Foundation for Missions, at 407-730-3364, or send your questions by email to thuy@foundationformissions.com

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How I Became a Missionary

I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in missions. My dad was an MK (missionary kid) in the Philippines and Malaysia, and my parents have always been very pro-missions.

Before I'd even turned 13, God had given me a heart for missions. Over and over again through my teenage years I felt called to be a missionary, but at that point in my life I was still too young. 

By 18 I was already in a serious relationship with my future husband, Brandy. He was studying in the Honduran Air Force Academy and our plan was to get married once he'd graduated. I had to pray a lot about becoming his wife, because besides the 4 years in the Academy he had a 10 year commitment with the Air Force after graduating. I thought that if I married him I'd have to wait at least 10 years to become a missionary and I didn't want to wait that long. 

Brandy and I got married in August of last year, and I moved to the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, because that's where Brandy was, and still is, stationed. We didn't really have any plans as to what I'd be doing, but Brandy and I had tossed about the idea of me finding a job. 

I am not going to go into all of the different ideas we had about where I might have been able to find a paying job, but let me just say that if I wasn't working as a missionary, funded by supporters, I would have to find a job. The military doesn't pay their officers very well and so most of the officers' spouses have jobs.

In January of this year, 2014, while still looking for a job, I felt called to organize an MK Camp. Before I go on I want to explain a bit about this camp. 

I don't really remember the year, I think it was 2004 or 2005, but a few of the missionaries got together to organize an annual week long camp for the MKs of Honduras. I attended this camp every year that it was held, 8-9 years in all, first as a camper and then as a counselor. I really enjoyed going to camp as a camper, but I loved it even more as a counselor. As I grew older I realized how much I liked being a part of making MK Camp possible, knowing as I did how much it helped these kids with their MK struggles. 

Last year, 2013, the missionaries who were in charge of organizing the camp said that they didn't have time to plan/run it anymore. It was at this point that I started thinking about what it would take to organize a week of camp myself, and I started praying about it.

In January my prayers and plans started to take shape when I talked to one of the missionary couples who had helped run MK Camp in past years. They were willing to come and run the ropes courses if I would organize the camp. This was the first clear answer to all of my prayers and many more would follow. 

The plans for camp slowly came together. One thing after another came into place, and God's glory was shown to me again and again.  

In April I was thinking about what kind of job to get. My plan was to start applying for work right after MK Camp in August. I realized that I didn't want to plan MK Camp for only one year but for as many years as God would let me, and that it would be almost impossible to organize a camp if I had a job. 

Here in Honduras most employees have to work 12 or more hours a day. They're not paid by the hour but by the month, so the employers want to get as much work and as many hours out of them as possible. There aren't many part time jobs available here, so it would be very difficult to spend all the time it took to plan MK Camp and also have job. 

It occurred to me that if I become an official, supported, missionary I would be able to continue the work that God was calling me to do. Besides planning MK Camp, I could work full time helping missionaries families and serving the people of Honduras. I felt that God was telling me that this was the time, the place and even the thing that He had been preparing me for all these years. So after praying about it with Brandy, we decided that yes, God was calling me to missions. 

You may laugh, but when God said yes to me becoming a missionary, after so many years of it being my dearest wish, I cried with happiness.    

In May I was accepted into my parents mission organization, the Foundation for Missions, and in August I directed my very first MK Camp, after many months of planning. We had over 90 MKs and 20 staff members.

I am amazed at God's goodness to me. I love my new "job" and I plan on using as many of my talents as possible to serve my loving Father. 

Thank you for reading all of this. I realize that it was a bit long story, but I thought that you, who are interested in what I am doing, should know how and why I became a missionary. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tutorial on Wash Laundry by Hand

As many of you know I wash all of my laundry by hand. So I thought it might be fun to give you a quick tutorial on how it's done. 

***Please note that my husband, Brandy, was the one who taught me how to wash clothes by hand and though he's Honduran he is also a man so I could have been taught the wrong way;) 

You will need: A pila filled with water and a medium size plastic bowl 
(both pictured below),

5 gal buckets, dirty laundry and laundry soap: in both powdered and bar form (soaps pictured below)  


Step 1: Pour about 1/3 cup of powdered laundry soap into each 5 gal bucket you plan to use, then fill buckets 3/4 of the way up with water. Add dirty laundry and let it sit at least 15 min (DO NOT let it sit more then 16 hrs or you risk having it all go rancid. Trust me I know!) 

Step 2: After letting the laundry soak, pull out a piece of wet laundry and place it on the wash board of your pila. 

Step 3: Roll the bar of laundry soap all over the wet piece of laundry, paying extra attention to especially dirty or stained areas.   

Step 4: Lightly scrub every inch of it, still paying extra attention to dirty or stained areas and scrubbing them harder if needed. (you can add a bit more water to make this step easier)  

Step 5: Rinse, rinse and rinse some more, until the water poured over the laundry drains out clear. 

Step 6: Ring out the whole thing, try to get as much water out as possible without damaging it. (be especially careful with stretchy fabrics, it's easy to pull/twist them out of shape) 

Step 7: Add this piece to your laundry basket and go back to your 5 gal buckets to start all over again.

Needless to say this process is very time consuming. On average I spend about 1.5 hours a day washing laundry just for the two of us, so if you have children I highly recommend that you don't attempt this. ;)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Struggling Financially

Brandy got paid 10 days ago; his monthly income is $625. Since then I've paid all the bills and bought groceries to last us for a bit, but we now only have $34 left until Brandy gets paid again in 3 weeks. What with the added costs of my missionary work, our finances have been very tight these last few months.

This past month alone I spent over $100 in ministry, and could have done more work if I'd had the funds.

In support I only raised $25 for the whole month of September, and though I'm hoping to receive more this month I'm obviously going to need more supporters!

Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter, even if you can't give much -  just a little will help us out a lot! Thanks 

To support me by Mail, send checks to:

The Foundation
PO Box 560233
Orlando, Florida 32856-0233

- Make check payable to "The Foundation" 
- Be sure to write "preferenced for Rachel Sowers Reyes" on an enclosed paper 

To support me Online:

To donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account click here:

Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Rachel Sowers Reyes" in the box requesting "additional specifics on how to use the gift."

- If additional instructions or information are needed for donating, please don't hesitate to call The Foundation for Missions, at 407-730-3364, or send your questions by email to thuy@foundationformissions.com

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Very Quick Introduction

My family has been serving in Honduras since 2001, first on the island of Guanaja and now in the mountains of Lempira. 

Family Picture from 2011 (I think)

My Parents, Allen and Trish Sowers, are still serving up in the mountains alongside my brother Russell Sowers (striped shirt) and his wife Iris (standing next to him).

My younger siblings and me in 2013

In 2013 I married Lieutenant Brandy Reyes, an officer in the Honduran Air Force. Then in the spring of 2014 God called me to be a missionary, a step He had been preparing me for my whole life.  

My wedding day

My passion/calling is to help and encourage missionary and especially their kids throughout Honduras. Having grown up on the mission field I understand the struggles that most MKs (missionary kids) go through, and I feels that through my knowledge, and desire to work with youth, I can help other MKs.

In August of this year, 2014, I organized and run my very first MK Camp. My plan is to organizing an annual MK Camp and maybe an MK Youth Retreat, and we'll see where else God leads me. 

MK Camp 2014 

 MK Camp 2014

 MK Camp 2014

MK Camp 2014

Now you have very basics overview of who I am and what I feel called to do. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to blog about, I'm open to suggestions. I've lived 13 years overseas and am not quite sure what may interest you about my life or ministry, so any input as to what you'd like to read about would be appreciated. Thanks! 

My husband and me

My Facebook page: www.facebook.com/made4missions
My email address: madeformissions@yahoo.com