Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Prayer Letter (April 2015)

Dear Prayer Team,

This past month I went to help my parents with some of their ministries in Gracias. The most amazing part of my time there was when I helped translate and run a pastors conference with them. Over 170 Honduran pastors attended! It was so amazing to see that many church leaders in one room being feed spiritually by a team of pastors from the US and Canada. Praise God for this wonderful blessing! 

170 Honduran Pastors being fed with the Word of God

Prayer Requests:
-Only 9 weeks left until the MK Youth Retreat in June! We already have 13 teens officially signed up to go and another 4-5 who have committed to come, and there are still several weeks left for more to sign up! We are so excited about this first retreat and all of the things we'll be able to do at it to help these MK youths. Please pray everything will work together, that this event will bless all of those who attend, both teens and staff alike, and that we will find the $2000* needed for this event.   

*Note: The $2000 we're trying to raise will go towards helping pay for the costs of the event so that the missionaries will be able to afford to send their teens. We're especially trying to help missionaries who are trying to send more then one of their teens by giving them a discount. If you're interested in sending a donation the info for donating will be at the bottom of this email.

MK Teens at MK Camp last year

-In under 2 weeks I will be heading back to Gracias to help my parents and my little sister Boo finish up the shipment of used clothing and gifts they received for the pastors in their area. Pray that everything works out smoothly as we finish and pack everything up.
-Also, after working in the shipment I'm helping my parents host a dental team that is coming down from PA. Pray for the teams safety and for all of the lives they will touch while serving here in Honduras.
Me helping out this same dental team a few years ago

-Please don't forget to pray for the MK Camp in August! It's still 4 months away but there's so much work to be done between now and then! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of people praying for Brandy, me and this ministry. Thank you again and again! 

Much love and many blessings,
Rachel (and Brandy) 

How to donate towards the MK Youth Retreat:

Important info: The Foundation for Missions is registered 501(C)3 and as such donations made in the States are tax deductible. Also, 100% of the money you donate with be given to MK Ministries and will be used for MK Camp or the MK Youth Retreat - The Foundation does NOT keep a percentage.  

To Donate Online:
To donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account click here:  

Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Rachel Sowers -MK Ministries Honduras" in the box requesting "additional specifics on how to use the gift."

(Please note that if you use a credit or debit card there is about a 3% fee that the card's company charges)

To Donate by Mail, send checks to:
The Foundation
PO Box 560233
Orlando, Florida 32856-0233

- Make check payable to "The Foundation" 
- Be sure to write "preferenced for MK Ministries Honduras" on an enclosed paper 

- If additional instructions or information are needed for donating, please don't hesitate to call The Foundation for Missions, at 407-730-3364 , or send your questions by email to: 

Thank you so much for donating!